Come one, come all,
and come as you are!
Our Sunday service is aired on Facebook Live to give folks a chance to view the service at any time. (It is recorded)
While we are searching for a new rector, we will have occasional supply priests to offer Holy Communion, and many services will be Morning Prayer, led by our lay leaders.
Holy Communion is Rite II (everyday language!), with Bible readings, a sermon, Holy Communion, and hymns with our choir.
Morning Prayer offers a time of prayer, hymns, psalms, scriptures, and reflection, led by lay leaders.
​Please check below for the most up-to-date information ​for the upcoming week's services. Children are welcome — and encouraged!
Seasonal Schedule

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Sunday worship services are held @ 9:30 am, followed by coffee hour.
ALL ARE WELCOME​​​​​​​​​​​
​Wednesday, 3/5/25 - "Ash & Dash"
Drive-by ashes available in our parking lot from 8-9:30 am and 3-6 pm.
Wednesday, 3/5/25 at 6:30 pm:
Ash Wednesday prayer service
Sunday, 3/9/25 at 9:30 am:
Morning Prayer Service​
Don't forget to "Spring forward" and move your clocks ahead by one hour!
Sunday, 3/16/25
A Service of Holy Word & Holy Eucharist (Rev. Isabel Geller)
Sunday, 3/23/25
A Service of Holy Word & Holy Eucharist (Rev. John Branson)
Meditate with us!

Bruce Nichols leads Meditation each Monday at 1:15 and will conduct by Zoom if the weather precludes meeting outdoors. Deborah Swann leads evening meditations monthly by Zoom through the Trumbull Senior Center. You can find out more here..
Personal Funeral Planner
Have you thought about giving your family a gift - letting them know what you would want for your funeral? You can use this guide to write what your wishes are for hymns, readings, etc. The best person to plan your funeral is you.
Glossary of Terms
Morning Prayer: Morning Prayer at Christ Church is a lay-led service in which we come together to read from the Bible, reflect on the Word, pray, and sing.
Service of Holy Communion: Our service of Holy Communion includes readings from the Bible, a sermon, confession and absolution, prayers, the peace, music, and Holy Communion.
Holy Communion, also known as the Lord's Supper or the Eucharist, is the principal act of Christian worship. Jesus gave us the eucharist ("thanksgiving") when he shared the bread and cup of wine at a sacred meal with his disciples and asked us to "do this" in remembrance of him and includes the taking, blessing, breaking and sharing in Christ's body and blood, which are present in the sacrament and received by faith.
Pastoral Care: A one-on-one time of conversation to seek spiritual guidance, growth, and/or support. Contact the Sr. Warden if you would like to learn more about pastoral care at Christ Church.
Baptism: In the waters of baptism, we are lovingly adopted by God into God's family and given God's own life to share and be reminded that nothing can separate us from God's love in Christ. Candidates for baptism, or their parents and godparents on their behalf, make vows before God and the church, and then the candidates are baptized in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, marked as Christ's own for ever. Contact the Sr. Warden if you would like to learn more or are considering baptism for yourself or your child.
Marriage: The sacramental rite of the church in which two persons "enter into a life-long union, make their vows before God and the church, and receive the grace and blessing of God to help them fulfill their vows." (BCP). To prepare for this holy rite and wedding day, couples meet with the priest over several months. Contact the Sr. Warden if you would like to learn more about weddings at Christ Church.
Vestry: The Vestry is what other traditions call a "church board." Vestry members, including the Priest-in-Charge, constitute the leadership body responsible for the parish.
Liturgy and Liturgical Leaders: Liturgy, deriving from Greek words for "work" and "people," includes all of our public worship of God together. Our Liturgical Leaders are volunteers who have been trained to lead our worship life, alongside our priest-in-charge.
Lector: A lector is the person appointed by the clergy to read the scriptures and prayers.
Clergy/Priest/Minister: A priest in the Episcopal church is ordained by the sacramental rite including a laying on of hands to help lead, pastor, teach, minister, preach, and administer the sacraments. They are called by their ordained title, "Reverend" (though many prefer the shorthand "Rev") or "Mother"/"Father." Because he or she is tasked with the pastoral care of the congregation, it is accurate, too, to call our priest, "pastor" or "minister."