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Helpful links from our Senior Warden


From the Senior Warden

Dear Beloved Community,

The Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut (ECCT) has many opportunities for gathering and learning and exploring our faith. The best thing about the pandemic (yes, I said best!) is that Zoom has become ubiquitous and we can attend meetings with folks across the state without getting in our cars and leaving the comfort of our homes.

If racial justice is your calling, there is a group exploring a bus trip to Washington to participate in the Poor People’s March. If you are interested in being a part of the planning, you can learn more about it and/or register for the Zoom link here:

You might also want to see the Rev. Canon Ranjit Mathews deliver an inspiring sermon on MLK from the Cathedral. You can watch the entire service here or fast forward to about 18 minutes for the sermon:

If you might be called to evangelism, sharing your gift of faith, you can register for the Zoom link here.

If you’d just like to know what is going on with the diocese and around the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, you can sign up for their eNews here:

Sometimes it seems that we are just a little church in the country, but we are part of a much larger community and I for one, have been able to take advantage of many of the offerings for growth found through Zoom. Each Wednesday morning, the clergy and wardens of the diocese meet to pray together, ask questions, share what their churches are doing, and explore ways to collaborate.

Of course, we are also a part of The Episcopal Church (TEC) and I hope you have been following our wonderful and inspiring Bishop Curry. Here is a sermon that he delivered in September at Trinity Wall Street.

Even though we have not been able to gather in our physical space because of the surge, we can thank the internet for allowing us to participate in the life of the Holy Spirit. May you stay safe, stay faithful, and stay a blessing to others until we can gather in the church sanctuary again.

Love, Vicki



With big hearts and ready hands, at Christ Church Easton, we seek to build and be a community of love in our town and our world. Together we laugh, sing, worship, learn, teach, eat, serve, seek justice, cry, heal, and grow.

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