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Community conversations, service, public witness and more.


Baking Dough

Don't you just want to grab that bread, break it open and share it? Well guess what, so do we! And Jesus, wise man that he was, actually commanded us to do it. He was right.

Homemade Bread

NOURISH Bridgeport

For our Souper Bowl Sunday, we collect dollars to be donated to NOURISH Bridgeport, a food-centered, volunteer-powered center that brings hope to Bridgeport through direct services. 


With NOURISH Bridgeport, our church's volunteers prepare and serve meals to neighbors and help hand out food and other items from the pantry. So many hungry people - must break God's heart. It sure does ours, so we do it. You can too.


For Christmas, we collect diapers to share with families in need.  We also collected diapers during the month of July (Christmas in July.) Before Covid, we drove a truck for Bridgeport Rescue Mission and invited the men and women of the New Life program to come and share a chili dinner, and square dance to a caller and live music.  YeeHa! We sure did have a good time, pardner. We hope to go back to that in the near future.



Baking Dough

Don't you just want to grab that bread, break it open and share it? Well guess what, so do we! And Jesus, wise man that he was, actually commanded us to do it. He was right.


Baby Shower for Jesus/Christmas in July

Do you know that 1 out of 3 young families cannot afford diapers?


Throughout the pre-Christmas season, we host a Baby Shower for Jesus. We also hold a Christmas in July event throughout the month. Folks are encouraged to bring in diapers and wipes that will be brought to nOURish Bridgeport to be distributed to families in need.


Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me." 

Bridgeport Rescue Mission
NOURISH Bridgeport
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Gift Card Donations

Especially during the Holidays, we collect gift cards to local grocery stores like Shop Rite and Stop and Shop and also to Target. Generic Gift Cards (like Master Card and Visa) are also welcome. 


But we know that people are hungry during the other times of the year as well, so we like to keep our Priest-in-Charge with a supply to give out whenever a request is made. 

Cheyenne River
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Cheyenne River Reservation Episcopal Mission

A Mission to serve the Lakota people in South Dakota.

The Mission serves eleven churches in a reservation the size of Connecticut and is administered by the Hubers, an ordained husband and wife team. 
To find out more about the programs or to donate online, you can visit their website. 
Racial Healing, Justice & Reconciliation

Season of Racial Healing, Justice, and Reconciliation...

By affirmative vote at Annual Convention, ECCT entered into a "Season of Racial Healing, Justice, and Reconciliation" during which parishes are asked to begin a conversation about the sin of racism in our lives and in the world. Join us at Christ Church as we seek to walk these sacred paths of repentance, truth-telling, and anti-racist action. Learn more here. Join us for what's next here. 

The school's mission is to create a school community for young children and their families that fosters each child's unique personality and self esteem while promoting intellectual, physical and social development and kindergarten readiness.

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Christ Church Nursery School
With big hearts and ready hands, at Christ Church Easton, we seek to build and be a community of love in our town and our world. Together we laugh, sing, worship, learn, teach, eat, serve, seek justice, cry, heal, and grow.

You are welcome here.
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Sunday Services at 9:30 am

Summer Services at 9 am (6/22-8/31)

Services held in-person and

streamed online via Facebook Live



Pastoral Conversations by appointment


Office Hours: 

Mondays & Wednesdays, 9:30 - 1:30 pm

59 Church Rd, Easton, CT 06612

​Email us


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